Getting Started
Frequently asked questions (FAQs)
What the eligibility criteria for admission to four-year degree program?
After FYUG how can apply for PG?
Are there any specific subject prerequisites for certain majors
Can international students apply for the four-year degree program?
Are there any quotas or reservations for specific categories of students?
. How many credits are required to complete the program?
Can students pursue a double major or minor within the four-year degree program?
What is the grading system used at Calicut University?
Are there opportunities for internships or industry placements?
Are there computer labs and software resources for students?
Are there extracurricular activities or student clubs related to academic interests?
Are there midterm and final exams, or is assessment continuous?
What is the policy on attendance and participation in classes?
Is there a provision for revaluation of exam papers?
Are there opportunities for students to provide feedback on courses and instructors?
How are examination results communicated to students?
Is there a provision for supplementary or reappear examinations?
How are degrees conferred upon completion of the program?
After completing the 4 year programme is the compulsory to do two years of PG